Protein Crystallography and Biophysics Centre (BiophysX)
Institute of Structural and Molecular Biology (ISMB)
Birkbeck College / University College London


To book a space or equipment please login to the online booking system

Currently the system is working only for crystallography registered users and it is planned for external users in the near future.
To book a space select the Schedule tab and then select the instrument/space you would like to book

There are two laboratory areas:
B16: The Protein Crystallography and Biophysics Centre
B54: The Biophysics lab

Before booking please consider the maximum capacity for each lab space according to social distancing restrictions (3 persons for B16 and 4 persons for B54). There is also a 30 min gap for each reservation.


ISMB Biophysics Centre, Birkbeck, University of London
Last modified October 2020