Protein Crystallography and Biophysics Centre (BiophysX)
Institute of Structural and Molecular Biology (ISMB)
Birkbeck College / University College London

Spectro-photometers and fast kinetics

The lab contains two spectro-photometers. A nanodrop one for nano-liter/cuvette volumes and a Cary3 for more accurate measurements. 

For initial enzyme characterization classical turnover experiments are very important. These give direct information about the catalytic rate of a reaction as well as on substrate binding and specificity. Also, enzyme inhibitors can be characterized easily.

The Cary3 is a dual beam instrument ideal for kinetic measurements as fluctuations in lamp intensity to not distort time courses. It has an 8-position sample changer where every sample has its own reference. Comprehensive software allows easy setting up of kinetic scans.

For measurement of slow fluorescence time courses, please refer to our fluorimeter page.

Sample requirements
  • From 1 nl up to 1 ml depending on the application

  • Possibility for kinetic assays
  • Temperature controlled measurements

Please contact us for detailed protocols and planning your experiment.

ISMB Protein Crystallography and Biophysics Centre, Birkbeck, University of London
Last modified April 2021